The Metallic Mellow

Behind every act and more precisely behind every artistic expression there is always a deeper chain of thought which connects the entire process. It is this thought process which ultimately culminates in the end product. It need not necessarily be a chain or a complex web of emotions which are intertwined with worldly phenomenon. Something which always brews in you, an emotional outburst, something which touched you can be a driving force. The most accomplished works of art therefore, in my opinion are those which have the ability to kindle that emotion or feeling in the heart of the onlooker. If you can feel it and relate to it, appreciation or criticism which stems from the brain will follow. On being in constant touch, if there is appreciation loyalty ensues and invariably, provided you have that artistic streak in you, a bond is established. You cannot give it a name; there is no need to because as I said you understand what the person is trying to convey and it is the cornerstone of any sort of relationship. Some forms of art have a deeper bonding with the ones who endorse it while other forms somehow fail to exhibit the same attachment.
With the advent of globalization and liberalization boundaries have dissolved. Newer vistas have opened. Commercialization of art is something not unheard. Even then, the most appreciated works are those which have the ability to form that kind of bond.
Music is one such artistic expression which earns huge admiration and appreciation from me. There is something inexplicable in it which draws me and begs for indulgence. It has the ability to form that bond. Times in life when I have felt deserted or jolted and when there is something deep within me which I cannot share, Music like a steadfast friend has always been there for me.
So what is it that makes it so special?
It’s got the same ability to connect about which I mentioned. No matter whatever be the occasion there is some thing really apt for it, which either heightens or lessens the emotional upheaval. It is like an extension of what goes in me. Genre and other classifications are best left for semantic explorations. The bottom line remains that I and trust me even you will for sure find something which engulfs and pampers you. I am heavily influenced by Metal and Rock but there is no denying the fact that these genres don’t tie me down. It is just that Metal hits the right chord in me very soon. I am able to ‘feel’ it and get what the song is trying to say. It is another thing understanding what the musician wanted to convey and completely another to come with ‘interpretations’ of the musical piece. Without understanding the original piece in it’s entirety it will be a foolhardy to try and interpret because as said, it is also the product of someone’s thought process. Interpretation without understanding will do nothing but fit the originality in your value set. Music lights that fire in me and urges me to understand it by subtly conveying what it means. When Ivan Moody says “Cries, The Bleeding – It’s tearing me apart’ I can feel that in his voice, when Janne Wirman shreds the keyboard I can feel that he’s being Needled 24/7, when Paul Newman introduces ‘The Rock Island’ theme in Road to Perdition, yes I get that strange feeling, when James Hetfield says ‘So What’ I and even you will feel like showing the middle finger to the world and when Karunesh plays something I get into that meditative and introspective mood. Having said all this, I also observe that if an artistic expression does not tickle those really special emotions within you then it will not be with you for long. Take for example those typical Bollywood songs. You enjoy those but will never burn a record and guard it with life. They just come and go. If you can relate to it positively ie. you like it in this special way, the inkling to get into a relationship is established.
“If you have that artistic streak in you” you will for sure set out to explore, entering newer areas and exploring uncharted territories. You will stumble on something with which you fall in love with and something which you start detesting. I loved metal, rock, ambient, classical music among a lot of other genres while could not appreciate those really mushy boy bands and extreme forms of metal advocating Satanism and the likes. I avoided what I did not like and continued with the journey loving what I loved all the more. When appreciation mounted I heaped it and vitriolically criticized where it was due. The voyage is still on and will be on till I am alive. This is where loyalty comes in. The very act of venturing out to explore more proves that I like it and in due course if you fall for it, you will be loyal to it. It will be impossible for anyone part me from music. Appreciation combined with loyalty has already forged that really strong bond.
Commercialization and the desire to earn quick money tend to rupture this sacrosanct bond. This is compounded by globalization which acts as a tool for finding the apt market very soon. Technically, one can sell anything. So sometimes it boils down to merely selling a ‘commodity’. I will not take names but look around you and you will find that the ones who really made big and got their names etched in gold were the ones who forever valued this bond. There can be hundred other reasons for the demigod status that is accorded to them but this has to be one of those. I have always used this parameter to rate the artist and it's music. No band, artist, singer etc. can be perfect. Similarly not all albums will be a magnum opus. When you find that there is something amiss in the album which in turn does not exhibit the finesse expected from that artist, band, group etc. the desire to earn quick money may have something to so with it. Nobody will like to associate themselves with this kind of an act and I am no different. But as said, there can be mistakes, evolution, transition and if you understand this aspect well you will overlook these trivialities provided these are devoid of the money making intent. Metal and Rock fans are very possessive and guard zealously what they love. They expect no shit and it is one of those forms of art where loyalty is very deep rooted. So if you give them shit, they will know and will not tolerate !
Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. Change that with art and it makes perfect sense. Having talked about it, the irony lies in its subjectivity and the puzzling fact that it cannot be defined. That is where the beauty lies. It is not closeted in the ‘right’ and ‘wrong’. There are no watertight compartments and this gives everyone the chance to decide what they like and dislike. Equally ironical is the dilemma that there are no perceivable reasons for likes and dislikes. Only if you relate to it, can you understand it. I have written a lot about music because I relate immensely to it. If you really love some form of art and are not casual in approach, I somehow feel you can understand what I want to say. Art is a big set but then it is not a boiling pot where the ingredients lose their individuality but a huge salad plate where you see every ingredient separately, giving you an option to choose what you like. It cannot be crafted by anybody for you but you yourself will have to sketch and find out what ignites that fire in you. Trust me, you do this and your life will never be the same as before !

- Sarabjeet Singh

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